Jun 2020 - 2021


Jun 2020 - 2021

Full Stack Engineer - ZUBLU
Dedicated software engineer for scuba diving platform

Led the development of seamless booking app in front-end, facilitating room/cabin selection, guest count, itineraries and price calculations. Collaborated on building a comprehensive search engine, enabling users to find resorts based on selected countries, sea creatures, and other experiences using the current schema integrated with elastic search.

ReactJSVueJSNodeJSPHPNestJSAdonisJSLaravelCraftCMSMySQLAWSStartupFront EndFull Stack

Led the development of seamless booking app in front-end, facilitating room/cabin selection, guest count, itineraries and price calculations. Collaborated on building a comprehensive search engine, enabling users to find resorts based on selected countries, sea creatures, and other experiences using the current schema integrated with elastic search.