Feb 2018 - Jan 2020


Feb 2018 - Jan 2020

Frontend Engineer - Tokopedia
Helping democratize the e-commerce as an engineer

Focused on seamless integration of backend and frontend systems to enhance the user experience. Collaborated with the lead engineer to develop and implement features, including instant fund, insurance, and online loan functionalities. Engaged in continuous learning through industry seminars and tech talks, fostering knowledge sharing and collaboration with talented colleagues. As a member of Tokopedia, participated in industry-shaping events, witnessed groundbreaking initiatives, and contributed to hackathons, fostering a culture of innovation and improvement.

ReactJSNodeJSGolangMySQLDockerAliyunGraphqlgRPCE-CommerceFintechBig CompanyUnicornFront End

Focused on seamless integration of backend and frontend systems to enhance the user experience. Collaborated with the lead engineer to develop and implement features, including instant fund, insurance, and online loan functionalities. Engaged in continuous learning through industry seminars and tech talks, fostering knowledge sharing and collaboration with talented colleagues. As a member of Tokopedia, participated in industry-shaping events, witnessed groundbreaking initiatives, and contributed to hackathons, fostering a culture of innovation and improvement.