Oct 2023

Portfolio Simple

Oct 2023

Powerful and user-friendly simulation test/tryout system

Simple is a user-friendly app that helps government job aspirants prepare with practice tests and materials. It includes interactive tests, user registration, and an admin dashboard for efficient management. It offers a seamless experience for users and empowers administrators to oversee the system and help users excel in their exams and careers.

ReactJSNodeJSNextJSPostgresqlDigital OceanSupabaseServerlessCMSDashboardPersonal

Simple is a user-friendly app that helps government job aspirants prepare with practice tests and materials. It includes interactive tests, user registration, and an admin dashboard for efficient management. It offers a seamless experience for users and empowers administrators to oversee the system and help users excel in their exams and careers.

Jan - Jun 2022

Portfolio Speedoc

Jan - Jun 2022

Next-generation dynamic SSR website

A next-generation website utilizing a headless CMS to deliver an exceptional user experience. Built with Next.js for SEO optimization and server rendering, it serves two domains - one for Singapore and another for Malaysia - each offering tailored content. Using Payload CMS, it efficiently manages and updates content for both versions, ensuring a dynamic and personalized user experience.

A next-generation website utilizing a headless CMS to deliver an exceptional user experience. Built with Next.js for SEO optimization and server rendering, it serves two domains - one for Singapore and another for Malaysia - each offering tailored content. Using Payload CMS, it efficiently manages and updates content for both versions, ensuring a dynamic and personalized user experience.

12 Sep - 27 Sep 2020

Portfolio Gema Istana

12 Sep - 27 Sep 2020

Gema Istana
Fully customizable headless CMS

The SSR Next.js Website with fully customizable headless CMS using Payload CMS enables developers to create high-performance websites showcasing brands and products. With pre-rendered pages for fast loading and enhanced SEO, it offers seamless content management and updates through a flexible CMS. Integrated email functionality allows for easy inquiry processing, making it an efficient solution for showcasing brands and products.

The SSR Next.js Website with fully customizable headless CMS using Payload CMS enables developers to create high-performance websites showcasing brands and products. With pre-rendered pages for fast loading and enhanced SEO, it offers seamless content management and updates through a flexible CMS. Integrated email functionality allows for easy inquiry processing, making it an efficient solution for showcasing brands and products.

Jan - Jun 2020

Portfolio Irvins

Jan - Jun 2020

Very interactive website!

The Interactive Multi-Country Website uses a headless CMS to dynamically serve tailored content or landing pages based on the visitor's country. With dedicated domains for each country, the website offers personalized experiences, showcasing relevant information and promotions.

The Interactive Multi-Country Website uses a headless CMS to dynamically serve tailored content or landing pages based on the visitor's country. With dedicated domains for each country, the website offers personalized experiences, showcasing relevant information and promotions.

Apr - May 2016

Portfolio Direct Window Tinting UK

Apr - May 2016

Window Tinting
Wordpress app with interactive front-end

The WordPress app for window tinting in the United Kingdom offers an interactive front-end with a custom theme and plugins. With jQuery on the frontend, the website provides a user-friendly and visually appealing experience for customers seeking window tinting services.

The WordPress app for window tinting in the United Kingdom offers an interactive front-end with a custom theme and plugins. With jQuery on the frontend, the website provides a user-friendly and visually appealing experience for customers seeking window tinting services.